Time (each direction}
Frequency limits
0-10 cps
0.060 inch
l hour
2 hours.
0. 030 inch
10 -20 Cps
4.5 g's
2 hours
20-400 Cps
4.3.6 Shock - The drive controller shall be mounted rigidly, using its
own mounting provisions, to simulate field use. A shock of 20 g's shall be
imparted three times in each direction along each of the three mutually per-
pendicular directions, making a total of 18 shocks. Each shock impulse shall
have a time duration of 11 ± 1 milliseconds; the maximum g value shall occur at
approximately 5.5 milliseconds and shall be within ± 10 percent. Filters used
shall have cut-off frequencies selected to eliminate all harmonics above the
fundamental, from the measured shock pulse.
5 . 1 P a c k a g i n g , packing, and marking - Packaging, packing, and marking
shall be in accordance with instructions forming a part of the contract or furnished
by the contracting officer in connection with the contract.
6.1 Ordering data. - Contracts and invitation for Bids should specify the
title, number, date of this specification and type of packing.
NOTICE: This specification, together with specifications and drawings pertaining
to it and bearing a "NOTICE" of similar restrictions is intended for use only in
connection with procurement by the United States Government; and shall not be
reproduced either wholly or in part except when authorized in connection with Gov-
ernment procurement, nor be used for any other purpose except When spec-
ifically authorized by the Chief of Ordnance.
Army - Ordnance Corps